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Thursday, September 13, 2012

About the Book

The Story Behind "Be Strong And Take Courage"

  Before I begin my story,  I would like to mention that throughout my entire Christian walk, even to this day, as I study God’s Word, it’s almost like I can physically feel His Word pouring onto my heart and staying there.

 In 1992 while going through a very difficult time in my life, God began to speak to me in a most unusual way.  He would speak to me in a way that it seemed like the Bible was being replayed to me.  I learned that what I was hearing could always be backed up by scripture and the strange thing is that at that time, I was a fairly young in my faith and often didn’t even know some of the scriptures He was using. As He spoke to me these wonderful words of hope and encouragement would seem to just pour on my spirit and I would feel so uplifted.  I realized that this was something I didn’t want to forget, so I began to write each one down.  I could be at work, or preparing dinner, or maybe going for a walk, and God would begin to speak to me in this amazing way and I would quickly go and write it down. Then He began to speak to me and put it on my heart to share it with a close friend or family member.  When I did this, I would be astounded by the fact that the person would tell me that it was just what they needed to hear that day.  I would have no idea what that person was going through. 
 He instructed me to keep recording them and in the early 90’s He gave me a title, Be Strong and Take Courage and told me to keep compiling them and put them aside somewhere safe,  so I did. His words would always be simple and would encompass the basic truths of the Bible and were always easy for anyone to understand. God seemed to be pulling them from all over the Bible. As time went on, often when people would share with me about something they were going through, my heart would just fill with compassion for them, and the Lord would give me a message for that person.  It would always help and comfort them.

 God eventually led me to a new church where I connected with a wonderful Pastor who immediately knew what these messages were and encouraged me to date them and keep recording them.  For several years I would write approximately one a week and would share them with her.  Often she might share them with someone in the church who was struggling or incorporate them into her messages Sunday morning.  She believed that these were to be shared and encouraged me to continue and to seek publishing for them.  By the way, she is still encouraging me to this day.  God has always blessed me with fine Christian people in my life to help me.

 In 2007, one day while I was sitting outside during my lunch hour, taking in some sun., the Lord began to reveal to me, a very detailed vision for my life.  I immediately went back to my office and began to record it.  The first part of this vision was that His messages that were given to me, were to be published in 7 volumes, with the first one being when I was 62 years old.  In July of 2011 just over a week before my 63rd birthday, Be Strong and Take Courage, Volume One was published.  As I held the proof copy of the book in my hand, I knew that the first part of God’s amazing promise to me had been fulfilled. 

 Praise the Lord
 - R. E. Taylor

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