A Short Biography About Ruth
Ruth grew up for the most part in Toronto where she now lives, but spent five years of her childhood in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This time in the United States during her formative years would account for her love for America and her great compassion for what they are enduring now.
As a child she attended a small Brethren Church in Toronto with her family. It is there that she learned about the Lord and a foundation of faith was laid. As young people often do, when she reached her teenage years and young adult life, she went her own way and pursued the things of the world. She had heard the truth, but it was what might be called head knowledge and not heart knowledge. She achieved much success in her job and in her personal life. She was married and had a beautiful home and all the things that money could buy. By the standards of this world she was successful.
It wasn’t until the late 1980’s that her life fell apart. Her marriage ended in divorce and she lost her home and went from a very comfortable lifestyle, to one of struggling to survive. She was alone and she felt like a total failure. She felt like everything she had put her confidence in, was gone. This is when she began her search for God. She tried different churches and investigated different beliefs and different theologies. Then one night while watching a Billy Graham crusade on television, her childhood memories came back to her. She remembered being taught about a positive faith and a God who accepted us in spite of our sin and who loved us unconditionally. As she watched this program, she quietly prayed for the Lord to take over her life. As first nothing seemed to happen, but as the weeks went by, one evening while driving home from work, the most positive thoughts began flowing into her mind. She was hearing that she was loved and she knew that God was speaking to her and He was replacing all of her negative feelings about herself with positive ones. This is where her walk with the Lord began. God helped her to rebuild her life. She did not have any children but had always wanted them. In early 1996 her mother also went to be with the Lord, and even though she knew the Lord, she felt very alone. Later that year, God in His great mercy and compassion brought a wonderful man into her life. He was a widower with two young children, who would later have two precious grandchildren. Over the years, his family became her family and this family and these two beautiful grandchildren are one of the greatest blessings in her life. God is so good. She has often said “I had everything, but I had nothing, now I have nothing, but I have everything”. Money and worldly success can never bring true happiness, only God can do that.
God eventually led her to a career in healthcare, first as a Medical Secretary and later as an Administrative Assistant. Ruth retired from healthcare in October of last year and is now actively pursuing God’s vision for her life as a Christian writer and encourager. She continues to write and will eventually publish the next six volumes of Be Strong and Take Courage and currently has an outreach of daily encouragement for the Lord through the social media.
Praise The Lord!
-R. E. Taylor
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